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Things to Know About Auto Insurance

Jan 17, 2022
What is a Deductible?

An insurance deductible is the amount you are responsible to pay for a claim before your insurance policy kicks in to cover the rest. If you pick a lower deductible you’ll be paying more in premium, but be required to pay less in the event of a claim. On the other hand, if you choose a higher deductible you’ll pay less in premium, but more if you were to have a claim. Insurance advisors can help you understand the right deductible for you and explain the balancing act between making sure you have the right coverage, while getting you the lowest price.

How Can I reduce My Insurance Premiums?

Maintaining a safe driving record is key to getting lower car insurance rates. The more careful you are as a driver, the more you will avoid accidents or moving violations – all events that increase your insurance rates. Insurers also reward safe drivers by giving discounts of between 10-30%, dependent on driving record.

  • Other ways to lower insurance premiums include:
  • Obtaining discounts/and bulk rates by insuring several vehicles and drivers with the same insurer
  • Bundle other insurance policies, such as your home, business, and life, with the same insurance company
    Taking an approved Driver’s Training course with a newly licensed driver. Most insurers will credit two years of driving experience.

Ready to Buy or Learn More?

We are committed to enabling you to make the most informed decision when it comes to purchasing insurance from ECIA. Get in touch with us to Learn more.

What will be the Discount for Bundling Property and Auto Insurance?

There certainly is with ECIA! We offer a generous multi-policy discount when you bundle both your home and auto insurance together with us. Discounts vary by insurer, but can amount to 10-25% of the total policy cost!

Does the Auto Insurance Policy Respond if Personal Items are Stolen From the Vehicle?

Auto insurance typically covers damage to your car, not the things you leave in the car. If you want to make sure your personal items are covered, you should think about getting home insurance which would provide you coverage against theft.

How Will a Ticket affect My Premiums? What if There Were No Demerit Points?

First-time distracted drivers can be fined up to $1000 and have their license suspended for three days, as well as receive three demerit points on their record. Further offenses can lead to larger fines and more demerit points. Some insurers consider such tickets as a major violation, leading to a higher premium. Fortunately, it’s easy to prevent this from happening: don’t text and drive!

How Do I Make a Claim?

If your policy provider is ECIA, the process for making a claim is simple. All you need to do is contact the police and file a report. After that, collect the relevant information about your accident and give it to your insurance company. Next, your insurance adjustor will process your claim. They will stay in contact with you, provide you with a rental vehicle (with SEF20 Loss of Use), help you find a reputable mechanic, and send the occasional update your way. Throughout this process, we’ll be here to help give you guidance along the way!

24 Jan, 2024
If you're asked to sign an Agent of Record letter, it is important that you understand what it means. Also known as an AOR, Letter of Authority (LOA), or Letter of Authorization, this letter is used by a new brokers for several reasons: Secure the client relationship; Block any competing benefits brokers from being engaged by the client; Direct any commissions to be paid to the broker; and, most importantly, Ensure that an insurance company is forbidden from providing a quote to any other broker. When you sign an AOR/LOA, the insurance broker would immediately send it to the insurance company so that they can arrange for commissions to be paid, as well as quotes to be released to that broker, and no other brokers. If you're asked to sign an AOR, always ask the new broker: What is the commission you will be paid in this case? Is that built into my premiums? So if your commission increases, will my premiums increase? What will you be doing with this letter? Does this terminate my existing broker relationship? Also, ask your current broker: Does signing an AOR with a new broker jeopardize my existing relationship(s) with any of my insurance carrier(s)? Does this put me at risk in any way? Would you be able to provide or match the services of the new broker? If you have any questions on this or other insurance forms and inquiries, do not hesitate to contact us at .
05 Jan, 2022
Starting January 1st, the Alberta government has implemented new changes that will affect every driver and insurance company in Alberta What's changing? In a nutshell, if you're in a collision, the insurance company to pay for the covered damage to your vehicle will be your own insurance company and not someone else's no matter who was at fault. The DCPD (Direct Compensation for Property Damage) will provide this protection for you. It will cover the damage inflicted from the other insured driver if they are found to be at fault. This new coverage will automatically be added if you already have auto insurance in Alberta so you don't have to do anything to get it. What's staying the same? Even with the new changes, many things are the same as before. Establishing who is at fault is still important to determining if you will pay a deductible, whether your premium will be affected due to the collision and determining which coverage the claim is paid under. Your premium won't be affected if you weren't at fault by the collision, just like before. How injury claims are paid or your rights to compensation won't be changed with the new coverage.
05 Jan, 2022
Due to COVID-19, we are taking the necessary precautions to ensure the safety of members and staff. Due to the situation, we require appointments to be made for all in-branch services. Call (403) 288 -3388 to make your appointment or leave us a message below or email us at .
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